Sunday, June 23, 2013

Project 2 (Part 2)

This is the second question I did, which is to animate out a character's personality or attitude while walking. And I thought of a attitude, which is happy with a little bit of proud. These are the screen shots. 

(Blinking of the eyes)

(Rolling of the eyeballs)

(Lifting up of a side of eyebrown)

#Happy hands gesture

Lifting up the legs higher to enhance the feeling inside the robot (Happy)

I also faced the same problem as the first robot, the timing and the rig in some parts of the robot. I tried a lot other ways like giving more keyframe to stabilize the smoothness of the walking, but it end up making me very confused and made me make even more mistakes and I have to edit and redo more than three times in total. I think is very hassle and ineffective but I could not think of anything else. Hence I follow the reference that I researched on, and just follow the key walking poses relevantly. I would say that I done poorly in this animation because this action movement is by my own. 

And here are the final video on part 2:

(side view)

(front view)

(Perspective view)

Project 2 (Part 1)

In this project, I am suppose to choose two questions and animate out the requirements. The first question is a compulsory one, and it is to animate a standard walk cycle. And here are my screen shots.

Adjusting the head (Back and front)

Adjusting the Lumbar (Back and front)

 The swaying from right to left of the pelvis

The swinging of the shoulder up and down

The position from left to right of the thorax

The degree of the elbow bending

And the height of the cog

This is the tumblr reference I went to research on, and there are five key poses of the walk cycle. Hence, I use this picture as my reference to animate my walking pose. 

The post also have other similar screen shots on walking cycle and I also took those as my references.

#Starting pose

#Contact pose

#Down pose

#Overlap pose

#Up pose

In this project, I had learnt that animate a walk cycle is not as easy as we think, we have to imput our daily walking position into a software, is like animating ourselves. I learnt that the timing in the project is very important, because it will corrupt the next moves or positions in the next frame, this is the difficulties I had face while animating this robot. It may not look like a natural standard cycle, I am a little disappointed in myself as I feel that I could do a better job, because of some parts of the rig which make my walking look a bit weird or off timing. 

So this is my final video on part 1:

(side view)

(front view)


Big dog

This tutorial I learnt how to animate an animal's walking. this is the outcome of the video:

Character Posing

In this week, I learnt how to post a character, which is the spiderman. It is considered one of the easy job in 3D. I learnt more shorcut keys to help my posing time effectively. This is the one I did in class which Mr George taught in class.

The final ending pose.

The exercise also asked me to do another two related poses of the behavioral of spiderman, thus I chose these two poses and position it to the closest I could.


 Ending pose

In order to make the spiderman look as if it really stick onto the wall, I added a plane there to give me a guideline where should not exit the boundary. 


Ending pose

Throughout this period, I learnt not only more shorcuts to do my posing, I also learnt the different character's behavioral, I don't really like spiderman, so I do not know what kind of key posing he has. I learnt to explore more inside the Maya software and realized Maya has even more components the let me explore with it, it enhances my thinking of modelling. Even though it may be tough getting the right positions and angle, sometimes the rig will turned out of shape, but everything is worth trying and learning, and I am very satisfied with my work, as I done it with my own hardwork, determination and patience.  

Friday, May 24, 2013

Online security awareness competition video Part 3

Now I am going to model out my 3D virus character and this are the screenshots of my work

This is the animating of my virus work process

Online security awareness competition video Part 2

My second effect is to make the ending message for the video competition, and this is how I did it.

Effects on Audio Spectrum 

This is to arrange the text and make it appear and position at the appropriate timing 

This is using the glow effect to make the word glow, I did this glow pattern by changing the glow operation options.

This is the ending screen , I did it by creating a black and white solid background, and masking the white solid to the desire shape. From there I keyframed it to suit the video. I also add effects like CC Radial Fast Blur and CC Vector Blur to make the outline shine. 

This is my ending message for the video:

Online security awareness competition video Part 1

These are the screen shots of my work process:

Effects: Regeneration Test, Lens Flare, Heatwave 

Firstly, select CC Light Rays to make the circular shape glowing effect 

After adjusting to fit the position and time frame, select lens flare to give the glowing effect more impact

Make a new composition and select fractal noise to made the heatwave shape

Mask it in order to bring to the composition, and adjust the shape onto the object that you wanted the effect on

After which, for the composition, you must select displacement map in order for the heatwave effect to work inside this composition, and the heatwave composition must be below the video composition layer

And the outcome of the video looks like this: