Sunday, June 23, 2013

Project 2 (Part 1)

In this project, I am suppose to choose two questions and animate out the requirements. The first question is a compulsory one, and it is to animate a standard walk cycle. And here are my screen shots.

Adjusting the head (Back and front)

Adjusting the Lumbar (Back and front)

 The swaying from right to left of the pelvis

The swinging of the shoulder up and down

The position from left to right of the thorax

The degree of the elbow bending

And the height of the cog

This is the tumblr reference I went to research on, and there are five key poses of the walk cycle. Hence, I use this picture as my reference to animate my walking pose. 

The post also have other similar screen shots on walking cycle and I also took those as my references.

#Starting pose

#Contact pose

#Down pose

#Overlap pose

#Up pose

In this project, I had learnt that animate a walk cycle is not as easy as we think, we have to imput our daily walking position into a software, is like animating ourselves. I learnt that the timing in the project is very important, because it will corrupt the next moves or positions in the next frame, this is the difficulties I had face while animating this robot. It may not look like a natural standard cycle, I am a little disappointed in myself as I feel that I could do a better job, because of some parts of the rig which make my walking look a bit weird or off timing. 

So this is my final video on part 1:

(side view)

(front view)


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