Friday, May 24, 2013

Project 1

3DPF Project 1

I am grouped with three of my friends to do this project, weighing 40%. And our very first discuss is on our story line, plot and our roles during this entire project. and this is our brief description of the whole video.

This is our group write up for our proposal: 

Tutorial Group : P02
Admin No.
Mohamed Haziq
Joanne Lim
Ong Zi Ying
Jesslyn Koh

The theme for the project is “Go safe online”. Our group has come out with a 45 seconds short clip on protecting your computer against viruses and malicious software.Total: 45sec.

15 Sec
The first scene will be a human actor who can do everything in life for example if we are sick we can cure ourselves by taking medicine (Raining medicines, Holy light to indicate healthy). Next will be we can prevent failing in exams by studying (Fireworks effect to indicate full marks). Followed by falling object and we can save it (Falling 3D object).

10 Sec
The character will be downloading a illegal software on the Peer To Peer (P2P) platform and her computer starts to get infected with viruses. There will be 3D virus characters, which will surround the computer screen to depict it being infected.

15 Sec
The climax will be the screen will have “Lifeline” (effects) appearing on it indicating that the computer is dying and the character starts to panic. Then comes the cloud shield which is similar to a Anti-Virus which falls on the computer screen and the computer started to heal and the “Lifeline” starts returning back to normal. The character is happy that her computer comes back alive.

The closure will be an important message “Be safe, be protected”,  which will be a text animation/effect.

“Be safe, be protected”

Compiling of all the video shot and editing.
After effects – Lifeline
Script writer

After Effects – Raining of Antivirus, Fireworks/Spark,
Music Setter

After Effects –Holy light
3D Modeler

After Effects – Ending tagline, glowing of the screen.
Sound producer


Sick -> healthy scene
There will be a 3D medicines raining down the character and they will be a holy light hovering above her to indicate that she is healthy.

Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

Studying -> scored wellscene
After the release of her exams results and she saw her marks, fireworks will be firing up around the background above her head.
Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

Falling ball -> ball saved
There will be a rolling 3D ball on the table, the character saw it and managed to save it in time before it drops on the floor.
Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

Downloading Software
-Downloading bar will be added on the screen
-3D viruses character starts to appear on the table and surrounds the whole screen.
Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

Computer starts to die
Lifeline effects will be added on the screen and it depict the computer is dying.
Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

Shield (raining shield)
 The character looked up and saw a cloud forming up and the shield start pouring down on the screen.
Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

Closure (Tagline)
Text Effects for the tagline.
Software to be used: Maya, After Effects, Match move

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